
Check your crypto gift wallet

You’ve purchased some Bitcoin or have one from a personal stash, you’ve successfully sent it to a paper wallet, and now you want to check and make sure the funds have actually arrived at the address on the paper wallet. To do this, you’ll want to open up a blockchain explorer and check out the funds on the blockchain using the wallet’s public key. 

For Bitcoin and Ethereum, you can use’s Explorer

Blockchain Explorer for Bitcoin and Ethereum

The steps are:

  1. Go to Blockchain Explorer.
  2. Copy your public key and paste it into the box at the top right of the page to search for your transaction. If you can’t copy and paste, then type in your public key. Typing the wrong address will not cause any problems, it just will not show results. Re-type if you get it wrong.
  3. Once you type in the correct public key, you will see the information about your crypto on the blockchain and can confirm that the information is stored correctly.
  4. If it’s stored correctly, then you have successfully transferred the crypto the paper wallet and now have a gift that can be given. 

Blockchain Explorer


The image above shows some of what you will see when you look up the public address. This is a readout of the information that is stored on the blockchain. It shows how many transactions were recorded at this address, the amount received, the amount sent, and the final balance. 

If you’ve successfully sent crypto to the correct public address, it will appear here. At any point, you or whoever you gift the crypto will be able to check and see that the crypto is indeed stores on the blockchain. 

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are unique because all transactions are available to be viewed on the blockchain. Names are not associated with public keys so while anyone can look up a transaction, they do not know who sent or received the crypto. 


Step 6 – gift the Crypto revolution

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